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error when trying to uninstall office – Microsoft Community
Choose where источник статьи want to search below Search Search the Community. Details required :. Tip: Uninstalling Office only removes the Office applications from your computer, it doesn’t remove any files, documents, or workbooks you created using the apps.
Microsoft ends support for Office What you can do | PCWorld.Cannot uninstall Office ClickRun – Microsoft Community
I have refreshed my computer recently, and have consequently had to download everything back onto it. I have been trying to download Microsoft Office home and student. The download completes, but when I try to complete the process, it extracts the files, then comes up with a window saying that Microsoft Offce has not configured properly.
I have tried several times! Are you saving the download and only running it when completed? Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. There is a very good that your “refresh” included a factory installed “free trial” of Office That could cause conflicts with your installation and activation. If it is, uninstall it, boot the computer before trying to install again you may want to uninstall also to give you a fresh start. Note : If you are using a bit operating system, save the fixit tool on the system and then run it from the saved location.
Word has a long history of requiring frequent re-installs to “fix issues”. The control panel uninstall leaves various “configuration” files like normal. If the problem is in these configuration settings it would just be carried over. The Normal uninstall is designed with the assumption that you will be re-installing Жмите. It does NOT delete everything.
DOTM and other templates etc. We need details uninshall provide you with more specific suggestions. There is a specific “configuring” error message that occurs after you have successfully installed and activated 2 versions of Office on your computer. But I don’t think that downloac the problem you dlwnload having. Laws of the seven R’s: “Always, always do the right thing for the right reason at the right time with the right people. Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another.
Any content stident an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site. Any image, link, or discussion of nudity. Any behavior that is insulting, rude, vulgar, desecrating, or showing disrespect. Any behavior that appears to violate End user license agreements, including providing product keys or links to pirated software.
Unsolicited bulk mail or bulk advertising. Any link to or advocacy of virus, spyware, malware, or phishing sites. Any other inappropriate content or behavior as defined by the Terms of Use or Code microsoft office home and student 2010 will not uninstall free download Conduct.
Any image, link, or discussion related to child pornography, child nudity, or other child abuse or exploitation. Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit. I couldn’t find the office microsoft office home and student 2010 will not uninstall free download.
I tried method Then I found this link to re-install. Microsoft Office Home and Student configuration stuednt not complete successfully this is not an error message. Microsoft Office Home and Student configuration did not complete successfully. Have tried this I entered the 25 character product key that came from the original packaging from when I bought it.
Please choose your preferred type of Microsoft Office Home and Student installation below. It makes use of an “image file” created at the factory. Unfortunately as I suspected it is not the “other” error and I do not specifically recognize this problem.
Run the “fix it” to remove Office Then boot the computer and this time when you go to run the installer, “singleimage. The installer file you got, “singleimage.
As I said before, Win 8 introduced some new backup and restore features. You should invest a little time learning about them to prevent studeny problems. For example, if you had known about it, “recimage.
That way it would have been automatically “there” for you when you did this refresh. Please at least look at one or 2 articles in both the ‘Refresh” and “recimge. Win 8 has refined your backup and restore options.
Before Win 8 you could create an Image Copy backup of the full drive or selected directoriesbut it was hard нажмите чтобы перейти separate backups of the OS, Applications and personal Data microsoft office home and student 2010 will not uninstall free download you created нажмите чтобы перейти separate data partition. I still think it is a good option. Personally, I think they missed a valuable selling point by not mentioning RecImg.
EXE in conjunction with Refresh. Etudent less than desirable outcome but an appropriate reaction to a bad malware infection. Homw is roughly equivalent to an image copy backup. A Dill will restore a backup of the OS and Metro applications. But there is still that issue of wiping out your installed desktop applications.
EXE is a backup tool that ships with Windows 8. However, using RecImg. EXE you can create new images that will include recently installed desktop applications. EXE command line tool and backup files. File History is a new Win 8 feature.
File History continuously monitors files stored in Libraries, Desktop, Contacts, and Favorites folders. It runs on a predetermined schedule, and when it detects changes microsoft office home and student 2010 will not uninstall free download any file, it makes a backup of that file to an External drive. What if something goes wrong in File History?
But there are a few limitations to consider. Most consumer electronics devices today can be reset to some factory state, and so we built this capability into Windows 8 too. How to Fix the Windows 8. How to Perform a Windows 8. Create a Windows 8 image with recimg. New free imaging software — for Windows 8!
Please post this as a new question so more people will see it and provide you with potential answers. By posting a new question you studdent provide us with required version information and a FULL description of the situation. We need enough info that we can try to recreate the problem, which is the first step in trouble shooting!
At the top of this page, just below the “Microsoft Community” logo there are some hidden drop down menu links. The more details you provide us with about what steps you took and what you expected to see and what you actually saw, including the FULL and Exact Error message text, the better, more specific microsoft office home and student 2010 will not uninstall free download we can provide.
The most common cause of this error is simply “fat fingers”, mistyping the code. Confirm that you are typing the correct letters and numbers. Choose where you want to search below Microsoft office home and student 2010 will not uninstall free download Search the Community.
Search the community and support articles Install, upgrade and activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member. This unknstall is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
I have the same question 9. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Palcouk Volunteer Moderator. What was the reason for the refresh? And during the refresh was a trial office version installed? How satisfied are you with this reply?
Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to Palcouk’s post on September ссылка на страницу, Thanks for responding so извиняюсь, fifa 14 for pc free full version single link себе. I refreshed after I had a virus and some corrupted files removed. My version is not a trial one. I got the home and student version it about a year and a half ago when I bought this computer, and was ссылка re-installing all of my programs.