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Sep 01, · Sony Vegas Pro c. Open the application – enter the serial number and activation code. * Copy If you did everything right, you should see the message () submitted 2 years ago by RagyTheKindaHipster. Sony Vegas Pro c. Open the application – enter the serial number and activation code. * Copy . Jun 23, · Serial Number key1HF-7C2V-XBNL-Y79MAuthentication key!0RHKFGK4F-PLWVW67VK-4BPJ18HEK-CQ6HCZ1LS-M0YWRETLL-RD6K6BLINK: Sony Vegas Pro 9 Serial Key: Activation Key: 1HF-5B2L-ELXS-NMBF. Authentication Code: 8SP8ZCKDEZLBKEPX-BFH8DCMRV-GRJH3ZJYB-H70CK42BHD17RJH7. Reviews: